Pierceton Park Renovation and Crosswalk/Sidewalk
Town of Pierceton is requesting Bids for the construction of Pierceton Park Renovation and Crosswalk/Sidewalk project. Bids for the construction of the project will be received at the Pierceton Town Hall located at 105 Walnut Street, Pierceton, IN 46562 until 3:00 P.M. local time August 22, 2024. During the Town Council Meeting at approximately 4:30 P.M, they will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The project includes replacement of four dugouts, replacement of tennis court, new basketball court, concrete slab replacement of pavilion, new sidewalk at school, adjust pavilion footer, and provide all necessary miscellaneous items to complete the work.
The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is: Fleis & VandenBrink Engineering, Inc. (F&V): 5331 South Bend Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46804: Telephone (260) 435-1414 or [email protected]. Prospective Bidders may request the Bidding Documents from the Issuing Office. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available from the Issuing Office. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the Issuing Office. Bids will be accepted only from Plan Holders of Record. In order to be a Plan Holder of Record Bidding Documents must be obtained from the Issuing Office.
Bidding Documents will be emailed in portable document format (PDF) at no charge.
The date that the Bidding Documents are transmitted by the Issuing Office will be considered the Bidder’s date of receipt of the Bidding Documents.
A pre-bid conference will not be held.
For all further requirements regarding bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents.
The Town of Pierceton reserves the right to accept any bid, reject any or all bids, to waive informalities and make the award in any manner deemed in the best interest of the Town of Pierceton.
Any questions prior to bid opening shall be directed, in writing, via email to Chad Salzbrenner at [email protected].
Town of Pierceton, Indiana
Myra Mast