Burket Council Talks Speeding, Speed Limit Signs
By Jackie Gorski
BURKET — People speeding on Center Street drew concerns during the Burket Town Council meeting Thursday, July 11.
Resident Marvin McClone said he knows people speed up and down Center Street.
He also brought up concerns of where one of the speed limit signs was on Center Street, saying the sign isn’t as noticeable as it should be where it is. He did note he knows noticing speed limit signs doesn’t necessarily mean people won’t speed.
Councilwoman Lena Ball said she has complained about the sign before and thought the sign needed to be moved. She said she has concerns about a child getting hit on Center Street.
Street Superintendent Brad Bibler asked if it would help if the sign was moved over to the next island area from where it is currently located. Council President Bill Rayburn said it may make people see the sign better.
Rayburn said whenever he sees someone speeding, he tries to flag them down and ask them to slow down. Short of hiring police to come down and write tickets, that may be all the town can do.
There should be two speed limit signs on each street, he said. Rayburn asked Bibler if the town had any more street signs and Bibler said he didn’t think so.
Rayburn asked Bibler to take a look at that street sign on Center and move it if Bibler thought it needed to be moved.
Earlier in the meeting, Rayburn updated the council on town cleanup efforts.
Three property owners were recently given ordinance violation fines. Rayburn said one property paid the $25 fine and asked for an extension. There is a dumpster on that property.
The second property has seen some improvement, but has not finished work.
With the third property, Rayburn said there has been no improvement in cleaning the property and he nor Clerk-Treasurer Katina Webb have heard anything from the property owner. Rayburn said if the last two properties aren’t in compliance soon, perhaps the town can send them another fine.
In other business, the council:
• Heard work on the railroad is supposed to start next week.
• Heard an update about the sinkhole on Center Street, about 100 feet west of Market Street. Bibler put dirt into the sinkhole. He will put top soil and grass seed on.
• Heard a complaint about holes and other issues on Center Street by Burket Educational Center. Rayburn said he will take a look at it and if it is county property, the town will see if they can get the county to do something. If it is town property, perhaps they can do something.
• Learned Rayburn did issue a burn permit to a resident. He asked Ball to give a copy of the permit to the Burket Fire Department for their records.