Kosciusko County
The following people were booked in the Kosciusko County Jail:
May 20 — Brandon Eber, 28, 1520 East Winona Ave., Warsaw, booked on a warrant. No bond listed.
May 20 — Frank Basil Roller, 53, 9817 E. Chickadee Drive, Cromwell, booked for driving while suspended with a prior. Bond: $450 cash.
Elkhart County
The following people were booked in the Elkhart County Correctional Facility:
May 17 — Angela L. Riggs, 55, 651 W. Centennial St., Nappanee, booked for possession of methamphetamine and possession of paraphernalia. No bond listed.
May 16 — Angelica Diaz Diaz, 29, 801 N. Calvin St., Ligonier, booked on a warrant-failure to appear. No bond listed.
Fulton County
The following people were booked in the Fulton County Jail:
May 20 — Troy Allen Turnipseed, 23, 1169 S. 400E, Rochester, booked for operating a vehicle while intoxicated. No bond listed.
May 19 — Quentin Rayne Nichols, 24, 2183 W. 500N, Rochester, booked for possession of a schedule I drug. No bond listed.
May 19 — Jameson C. Ellis, 51, 2106 Goose Pond Road, Rochester, booked on a warrant-failure to appear-contempt, possession of methamphetamine and possession of paraphernalia. Bond: $550 cash.
May 19 — Charles Patrick Dumoulin, 46, 2119 Olds Drive, Kokomo, booked for operating a motorboat while intoxicated and reasonable/prudent watercraft operating violation. No bond listed.
May 18 — Mary Ann Grimm, 57, 1947 N. 1000E, Akron, booked for possession of a hypodermic syringe or needle. Bond: $2,500 surety.
May 18 — John Talmadge Herron, 36, 309 S. Logan St., Kewanna, booked for domestic battery. No bond listed.
May 18 — Christopher Allen Mitchell, 32, 3941 North Sherman Drive, Indianapolis, booked on a warrant-failure to appear-operating without a license, and warrant-failure to appear-driving while suspended. Bond: $250 cash.
May 18 — Gabriel Allen Kerr, 19, 421 W. 8th St., Rochester, booked for operating a vehicle while intoxicated and minor consumption of an alcoholic beverage. No bond listed.
May 17 — Zachary Scott Lubin, 45, 1114 Franklin St., Rochester, booked on a warrant-probation violation-possession of methamphetamine. Bond: $734 cash.
May 17 — Michelle Tara Wess, 39, 811 W. 50N, Rockville, booked for automobile theft-unauthorized entry of a motor vehicle used in commission of a crime. Bond: $7,500 surety.
May 17 — Ralph Edwin Capes, 76, 509 N. Maple St., Argos, booked on a warrant-leaving the scene of an accident. Bond: $2,500 surety.
Marshall County
The following person was booked in the Marshall County Jail:
May 18 — Cynthia Garcia Heredia, 43, Granger, booked for operating a vehicle while intoxicated-endangerment and operating a vehicle with a BAC of 15% or more. Bond: $1,500 cash.
Noble County
The following people were booked in the Noble County Jail:
May 19 — Gerardo Sanchez Jr., 33, 508 N. Parkway Drive, Apt. A, Syracuse, booked for operating while intoxicated. No bond listed.
May 18 — Abelardo Macias, 52, 877 E. US 6, Lot 33, Ligonier, booked for operating a vehicle while intoxicate-endangerment, OWI with an Ace of 0.15 or more, and operating a vehicle without a license. Bond: $7,500 cash.
Whitley County
The following people were booked in the Whitley County Jail:
May 19 — Amberto Delafuente, 32, Nappanee, booked for operating while intoxicated per se, OWI-endangerment and possession of a controlled substance. Bond: $16,000 cash.
May 19 — Drew Jacobs Sims, 27, Cromwell, booked for violation of a suspended sentence. No bond listed.
May 19 — Brian Edward Wenhart, 60, Columbia City, booked for operating while intoxicated per se and OWI with a prior within 7 years. Bond: $10,000 cash.