Mentone Town Council Introduces Sewer Rate Increase Ordinance
By Jackie Gorski
MENTONE – An ordinance to raise the town’s sewer rate was introduced at the Mentone Town Council meeting Wednesday, May 1.
Town attorney Andrew Grossnickle said in order to have a public hearing for the sewer rate increase in June, an ordinance has to be introduced at a prior meeting.
In February, Baker Tilly recommended to increase the rates by 41.18%.
If the sewer rates increase by 41.18%, the approximate average residential monthly bill would be $63.37. The current 4,000-gallon bill is $44.89. The change in the average monthly residential bill would be $18.48.
Some changes were made to the ordinance after Grossnickle introduced it.
Grossnickle suggested to increase the permit inspection fee in the ordinance from $30 to $50 for a residential inspection and from $50 to $100 for a commercial inspection. The sampling fee was increased from $30 to $150.
The council also approved a one-time increase for the sewer rate.
Council President Jill Gross said she thought the discussion at the beginning of the process was to do it all at once.
The council approved having the rate increase upon passing and start with the July billing cycle if approved after the July’s public hearing.
The public hearing for the sewer rate increase ordinance will be at 6:30 p.m. June 5. Grossnickle said the purpose of the public hearing is for residents to ask questions and give feedback.
In other business, the council:
• Was reminded the deadline for the lead service line inventory is June 1. It is requested residents fill out the survey by that deadline. Clerk-Treasurer Amanda Yaprak said if residents can not do the survey online, there are other options, such as asking for an appointment with Commonwealth, the company doing the inventory, to help them.
• Learned the clerk’s office will have limited hours May 27-31.
• Learned spring cleanup day will be May 15.
• Approved Yaprak to merge the town’s bank accounts and find a better interest rate.
• Approved having a public hearing at 6:35 p.m. June 5 for the downtown master plan community block grant.
• Approved a quote of $3,667 from D&D Electric to do a reconduit/electrical reciprocal upgrade at the utility shop.