Supporting Matt Buehler
Dear Editor
It is my pleasure to write this letter to support Matt Buehler for Circuit Court for Kosciusko County. I have known Matt for over 30 years and have seen his outstanding leadership in the courts and that’s why I believe he would be and outstanding judge.
As a resident of this community we would be fortunate to have Matt serving our community as judge on the circuit bench.
Matt has a solid background for this judgeship position. As deputy prosecuting attorney Matt has been involved a many cases in the courtroom and knows how to prosecute complex cases including drunk driving, theft, domestic violence, burglary, robbery, and murder. Matt also served as an essential member of the drug court team, screening candidates and helping to craft treatment plans for participants and monitoring their progress through the program.
It’s not just his legal experience, its his personal qualities that gives me confidence that he would be a outstanding judge, his work ethic and family values, his passion for the profession and compassion for all those involves in the court cases that define Matt as truly exceptional.
Please join me in electing Matt Buehler for Circuit Court on May 7.
Kyle A. Tom