Students, adults recognized at Wawasee FFA Awards Banquet
Text and photos
By Deb Patterson
SYRACUSE — The annual Wawasee FFA Awards Banquet not only recognizes its members for their achievements and chapter awards, it also recognizes area adults for their work with the chapter.
Each year an FFA Alumni Honoree is recognized and announces chapter awards and scholarship recipients. Conner Sausaman was this years honoree.
At this year’s banquet FFA members received over $4,350 in awards and scholarships, due to the financial support of numerous corporate and individual sponsorships.
Sausaman announced the chapter awards to: Katy Eppert, Freshman Leadership Award; Carter Wylds, Sophomore Leadership Award; Mason Poff, Junior Leadership Award; Reagan Scott, Senior Leadership Award.
The Advisor’s Award was presented to Coltin Bucher and the Blue and Gold Award went to Lucas Wilkenson and Libby Haab. The Star Greenhand award was given to Preston Miller with Keira Lortie receiving the Star in Agricscience Award.
Conner Sausaman, a 2016 Wawasee High School graduate and a former FFA member, was the alumni honoree who announced the chapter awards and scholarship recipients.
Haab also received the Star Farmer Award with Josie Melton receiving the Star in Ag Placement Award.
Three Scholarships were presented to members. Haab received the had Beer Memorial Scholarship and the Ray E. Darr Memorial Scholarship. Emma Jackson received the Agriculture Education Scholarship.
Scholarships were also presented to those who participated in the caramel corn and meatstick fundraiser. Participating seniors included Libby Haab, Emma Jackson, Josie Melton, Kylie Perkins, Reagan Scott, Kenley Stewart and Tai Vu.
Qualifying first and second year members received their Greenhand and Chapter Degree Pins.
Receiving the Greenhand pins were: Jace Beer, Wyatt Bucher; Coraline Eisenhour; Katy Eppert; AJ Evans; Haley Maynus; Noah Hunsberger; Conner Lopez; Preston Miller; Ava Mock; Mason Poff; John Reiff; Cavan Tom; Ashley Wake; John Wilkinson; and Quintin Woolwine.
Receiving Chapter Degrees were: Rielyn Brettell; Coltin Bucher; Carter Grady; Abbi Harris; Emerson Krull; Lauren McDaniel; Audrey Miller; Payton Minear; Kylie Perkins; Wyatt Schafer; Kenley Stewart; Mya Taylor; Taelyn Tom; Jazlyn Weimer; and Carter Wylds.
Libby Haab, Emma Jackson, Keira Lortie, and Josie Melton were also recognized for earning their Hoosier (state) FFA Degree; if approved at the state level, they will receive the award at the Indiana FFA State Convention in June. Arrington Krull also applied for her American Degree; if approved, she will receive the degree at National Convention in October.
Students that participated in a state Career Development Events were awarded with state pins. Those students included:
Horse Judging — Reagan Scott, Rielyn Brettell, Penelope Jones, Jazlyn Weimer, Kassidy Roberts, Kaden Weimer, Audrey Miller, Alexia Davis, and Ashley Wake.
SAE Proficiency Award Applications — Keira Lortie, Ag Research: Animal Systems and Entreprenuership.
Soils — Wyatt Schafer, Preston Miller, Jace Beer, Haley Maynus, John Reiff, Gabe Ihnen, John Wilkinson, Audrey Miller, Cavan Tom, Jenna Beer, Anna Bowling, Trevor Roberts, and Maisie Schafer.
Emma Jackson was among the FFA students who was honored with awards. Among the awards she received was the Agriculture Education Scholarship, and first place recognition in the District Leadership Contest for a persuasive essay.
Horticulture — Kylie Perkins, Kenley Stewart, Mya Taylor, Lucas Wilkinson, Abbi Harris, Emerson Krull, Payton Minear, Coltin Bucher and Wyatt Bucher.
Leadership — Tegan Ross, Ag Sales Presentation.
Agribusiness Management Contest — Libby Haab, Josie Melton, Reagan Scott, Lucas Wilkinson, Coltin Bucher, Emerson Krull, Lauren McDaniel and Taelyn Tom.
Vet Science — Reagan Scott, Tai Vu, Coltin Bucher and Emma Jackson
Also recognized were students placing in the top 3 at the District Leadership Contest. Those students included:
Keira Lortie, two first place proficiency awards for agriscience research: animal systems and goat production entrepreneurship projects. Lortie also won first place for prepared public speaking.
Other first place wins included Libby Haab, premiere leadership; Emma Jackson, persuasive essay; Katy Eppert, novice horticulture; and Wyatt Bucher, novice natural resources.
Among the second place winners were Reagan Scott, agriculture sales; Lucas and John Wilkinson, natural resources demonstration; Coltin Bucher, plant and soil science demonstration; and Jace Beer and Noah Hunsberger, novice agriculture mechanics demonstration.
Third third place awards were received by: Joise Melton, Taelyn Tom and Abbi Harris, multimedia scrapbook; Wyatt Schafer, star greenhand; Carter Grady, Wyatt Schafer, and John Reiff.
The awards were preceded by a slideshow presentation of member’s projects and activities. Senior parents were also recognized.
Adults Recognized
Adults were recognized in various areas for participation in the FFA program.
This year Clayton Garden Center — Brad Clayton, Jewel Wise, Judy and Ed Clayton — received the Distinguished Service Award for is many years of support to the Wawasee Agriculture Program. The award is presented to individuals in the community that have continually demonstrated support and encouragement to the local chapter.
Clayton Garden Center received the Wawasee FFA Distinguished Service Award for its many years of support to the program. From left are Brad Clayton, Jewel Wise, Judy and Ed Clayton.
Recognized for serving as a coach to a career or leadership development event were Rachel Platt, Brad Clayton, Jewel Wise, Kasey Watts, Ashley Gardner and Kelly Heckaman.
Certificates of Appreciation were given to Hope and Ben Maynus, Scott Eisenhour, Nancy and Jim Reiff, Chad and Amanda Tom, Todd and Kristine Harris, JR and Renee Snavely, and Shawn and Lissa Krull.
The Honorary Chapter FFA Degree was presented to Paul Scott, Jason and Amber Haab, Richard and Jody Melton, and Eric and Amanda Jackson.
Corporate and award sponsors were recognized in a special slide show. Corporate and Award Sponsors were: Ag Cares Committee, CTB, Inc., Anderson Farms, Farm Credit Service, Creighton Brothers, Purity Gases, Elite Agronomy, Syracuse-Wawasee Garden Club, Kerchers Sunrise Orchard, Miller’s Orchard, Milford Food Bank, Milford Lions Club, Harvest Coffee, Morehouse Grain Farms, Avis Wilkinson, Matt and Soni Morehouse, Tom and Missy Sorenson, Nell Jackson, Clunette Grain Elevator, Deatsman Grain Elevator, CereServ Grain Elevator, Arlen and Shirley Bobeck, Sherm Bryant, Crestview Farms, Clayton Garden Center, Crop Fertility Specialists, Mark and Denise Grady, Greenmark Equipment, Knights of Columbus, Maple Leaf Farms, Northern Indiana Johnnie Poppers, Doug & Doreen Ruch, Joe and Myra Sands, Black Walnut Farms: Dr. Gervas and Ann Schafer and Loretta Schafer, Schlipf Precision Ag, Sonja Easterday Trust Fund, T-N-T Performance Machine Shop, Tom Farms, LLC, Randy and Eldonna Warren, Doug and Jill Shrock.
The sponsors support the organization’s award & scholarship fund, national activities fund and college credits fund.
The awards were preceded by a meal prepared by Big Boss BBQ with Denise Grady providing the cupcake dessert.
Chapter Officers for 20223-24 presided over the meeting, introducing special guests and presenting awards. Those officers were: Lucas Wilkinson, president; Libby Haab, vice president; Emerson Krull, secretary; Emma Jackson, treasurer; Josie Melton, reporter; Colin Bucher, sentinel; and Jazlyn Weimer, student advisor.
The evening concluded with the installation of the 2024-25 chapter officers. Those officers are: Lucas Wilkinson, president; Keira Lortie, vice president; Emerson Krull, secretary; Coltin Bucher, treasurer; Abbi Harris and Taelyn Tom, reporters; Jace Beer and Carter Grady, sentinels and Jazlyn Weimer, student advisor.
A total of 48 FFA members and 110 guests attended this year’s banquet.