Wawasee FFA Brings Home Numerous First Place Wins From District Competition
News Release
SYRACUSE — The Wawasee FFA recently brought home numerous first place wins after competing at the District II Leadership Convention held at NorthWood High School Friday, March 8. Students from 18 schools competed in demonstrations, speeches, essay, scrapbook and exhibit and display.
Keira Lortie took home two first place proficiency awards for her work on agriscience research: animal systems and goat production entrepreneurship projects. Lortie also won first place for prepared public speaking.
Other first place wins included Libby Haab, premiere leadership; Emma Jackson, persuasive essay; Katy Eppert, novice horticulture; and Wyatt Bucher, novice natural resources.
Wawasee FFA members were awarded multiple second place wins. Among the second place winners were Reagan Scott, agriculture sales; Lucas and John Wilkinson, natural resources demonstration; Coltin Bucher, plant and soil science demonstration; and Jace Beer and Noah Hunsberger, novice agriculture mechanics demonstration.
Wawasee FFA also brought home a handful of third place awards: Joise Melton, Taelyn Tom and Abbi Harris, multimedia scrapbook; Wyatt Schafer, star greenhand; Carter Grady, Wyatt Schafer, John Reiff and “many more, great team effort!”, exhibit.
Additional participants of the convention included Coltin Bucher, Emerson Krull, Wyatt Bucher and Haley Maynus, quiz bowl participants; Jazlyn Weimer, extemporaneous public speaking; Mason Poff and Carter Wylds, agriculture mechanics demonstration; Libby Haab, animal science demonstration; Kylie Perkins and Taelyn Tom, horticulture demonstration; Josie Melton, employment skills; Emerson Krull and Lauren McDaniel, food science; and Preston Miller, novice animal science demonstration.
“While winning is nice, it’s the experience to grow that really matters, we are so proud of all our students!” said Mariah Roberts, Wawasee FFA advisor.
Keira Lortie, Libby Haab and Emma Jackson will compete in their respective contests at the Indiana FFA State Convention on Tuesday, June 18.