Grace College Department Of Engineering Partners With Edgewood Middle School STEM Program
Press Release
WINONA LAKE — Since its inception, the Grace College Department of Engineering’s motto has been “engineered to serve,” and it continues to live into its motto in new and creative ways.
This has been most recently evidenced by Grace faculty and students who are partnering with Edgewood Middle School’s STEM program in two of its community-focused initiatives: “GoBabyGo!” and “Enabling the Future.”
“The GoBabyGo! and Enabling the Future projects connect Grace engineering to families in the community who can directly benefit from the programs,” said Matt Reimink, an adjunct engineering professor at Grace providing oversight to the programs. “While I worked with Edgewood to map out our involvement and plan the initial sessions, the Grace engineering students are really the ones taking the lead in working with the Edgewood students.”
Skyler Knisely, a senior mechanical engineering student, is working on the GoBabyGo! project, an annual program that brings together professional engineers, college students, and middle schoolers to modify and customize volt-powered vehicles for toddlers who move differently.
“This is a unique opportunity,” said Knisely. “At Grace, part of our graduation requirement is to participate in engineering service. I’m grateful for opportunities like this that fulfill the requirement and help me develop my problem-solving skills simultaneously.”
Abbi Richcreek, engineering/technology and Project Lead The Way instructor at EMS, has sponsored GoBabyGo! for the past six years.
“Our goal is for each toddler to be independent,” said Richcreek. “We involve the toddler’s families and interview them to see what they need in the design so we can tailor it to that toddler’s abilities and personality. We give each child a unique and personally customized vehicle because their joy is our greatest reward.”
Since 2018, the program has modified 22 vehicles. By April, that number will increase to 27.
The second initiative Grace is partnering with Edgewood on is called Enable the Future, a volunteer organization that provides resources to be able to 3D print prosthetic hands. The goal is to help people directly in the community with an affordable prosthetic.
Isaac Findley, another senior mechanical engineering student at Grace, is coaching Edgewood in becoming a chapter.
“I direct the kids in what needs to be done and help along the way if they have questions,” said Findley. “The kids do much of the work, from 3D printing to assembly and documentation.”
Findley meets with the group of 14 eighth-graders every other Tuesday to collaborate on these projects.
“Everyone wins,” said Richcreek. “Engineering professionals and Grace students can invest in the next generation of problem solvers. Edgewood Middle School students get to collaborate with our community on real-world projects. The product benefits individuals who need specialized equipment. It’s a win-win-win.”
To support GoBabyGo!, attend the “Big Drive Event” from 5-6:30 p.m. Friday, April 19, at Third Friday in downtown Warsaw. The program will showcase its five newly remodeled Jeeps, and the program’s students and volunteers will be present to answer questions.