Butch Says Maybe It’s Time To Head Back To Work
By John ‘Butch’ Dale
Guest Columnist
Yes, face it… those of you who were born between 1946 and 1964, like yours truly… the “Baby Boomer” generation, are still the largest and most influential group in America. We went to school, raised our families, and worked our rear-ends off.
Time to retire… right? Many of you have already turned in your keys and walked out the door. Yes, you have earned it… but hold on just a second.
A friend of mine retired a few years ago. Celebration, well wishes, and congratulations. Time to take some sightseeing trips, visit relatives, start up hobbies, do lots of fun things. However, Bidenflation stifled some of those plans. Then what?
Yep, head to the coffee shop, walk around the mall, play golf, lose money at the casino… take up drinking. Now he and his wife sit around the house all day reading… working on jigsaw puzzles, watching the same lousy TV shows and staring at each other. And they both gained about 20 pounds. Sound familiar?
I know another fellow who also retired several years ago from the business he owned. After a year of total boredom, he went back to work, managing the hardware section at a discount store. He’s been there now for the last 10 years. He is 82 years old. No, he doesn’t need the money. He just enjoys working and helping shoppers and he is happy.
Now don’t get me wrong. Many people enjoy life after retirement. They remain active, are in good health, and are very seldom bored. However, from my observations, these contented retirees are few and far between. Many have lost their purpose in life. Although volunteer work for various organizations or their church certainly makes for a more satisfying life, many retirees wake up each morning and wonder what to do all day.
At age 74, I still work full-time. I have no desire to retire. Yes, I may leave my current job at some point in time, but I want to keep on working somewhere… anywhere… no matter what the hours or the pay. I’m just not happy unless I’m working. If I wasn’t working, I seriously believe I might go crazy, or as my wife suggests… “more crazy.” Have you already reached the loony breaking point?
If you are retired and are completely bored, consider working again. Concerned about whether someone might not hire you because of your age? Don’t worry. Employers need good help and people with prior skills, no matter what their age.
Let’s face facts. Some of the younger people in today’s world aren’t too thrilled with the idea of getting a job. We baby boomers are not afraid of work. We know how to get things done, and done right. Employers need people like us who they can depend on.
It’s time to get off the couch, turn off the TV, put away the puzzles, and head down to the local employment office to see what’s available. Many of you may prefer a part-time job doing something you enjoy. You can be a lackadaisical complainer and turn into a vegetable… or you can perk up and regain a purpose in life.
Fellow baby boomers, it’s up to you. I say “Go for it!”