Burket Town Council Appoints New Member
By Jackie Gorski
BURKET — Burket Town Council approved the appointment of a new member on Thursday, Oct. 12, following a vacancy.
In September, Council President Bill Rayburn announced Cindy Warstler resigned from her position on the council.
Rayburn said he checked with Austin Rovenstine, who the town uses as town attorney when needed, to see if it was OK if the town appointed someone to the position. Rayburn was told it was OK.
At the meeting, Rayburn said he approached Debra Deniston after September’s meeting about being a council member. He said she thought about it for a week and said she was interested.
Deniston was not present at Thursday’s meeting.
Rayburn told those present at the meeting what he knew about Deniston. He said Deniston was a registered nurse and was recently promoted into management and Rayburn believed her significant other was a registered nurse as well.
Rayburn said Deniston seems to be a very responsible and personable person. He also said Deniston doesn’t seem discriminatory against anyone.
Rayburn and Councilwoman Lena Ball both voted to appoint Deniston.
In other business, the council:
• Learned there will be a public hearing for the 2024 budget at 4 p.m. Oct. 21 at Town Hall, 104 N. Walnut St. The adoption date for the budget will be at 6 p.m. Oct. 31 at Town Hall.
• Learned Phend & Brown finished work on paving the roads.
• Discussed with Fire Chief Kevin McSherry the possibility of getting backup generators at the fire station and the fire station training center, as well as getting a grant from the K21 Health Foundation.
Due to the cost, Rayburn said the town was not ready for the financial commitment, but said the town did add some money in next year’s budget for it.
• Learned Ball called the railroad company twice about fixing the railroad track crossing on Walnut Street and has not received anything back yet.