Elkhart County 4-H Fair Breaks Attendance Records For Their 150th Fair
News Release
GOSHEN —Attendance was greater than ever this year at the Elkhart County 4-H Fair. The 150th Fair brought in 216,964 people throughout the week which was an increase of 6.8% over last year.
Special events were held to celebrate the 150th Elkhart County 4-H Fair. Daily parades showcased antique tractors and past Fair Board Presidents, and many individuals participated in the first annual Women’s Cast Iron Skillet Throwing Contest.
To end the first three nights of the Fair, drone shows captivated fairgoers as they lit up the night sky. 175 illuminated drones flew above the grandstand infield and created moving images for all on the grounds to see. Guest favorites included our 150th logo and a 4 leaf clover.
The 4-H program also broke records this year as they raised over $1.5 million at auctions. This is a testament to the local support of the community for the 4-H program.
There was so much to enjoy at the Fair, and many exciting events are going to continue to happen on the fairgrounds throughout the year. Planning for the 2024 Fair has already begun.