Milford Public Library — Free Lunches Still Available
News Release
MILFORD — Free lunches are available from noon until 12:30 p.m. the week of July 17, at Milford Public Library. The last day for lunch will be Wednesday, July 26. Milford Public Library is in the last week of the summer reading program.
The theme of the week is “Self Esteem Adventures.” The last family story time is at 10:30 a.m. Friday, July 21. The guest storyteller is library clerk, Janette Stackhouse. She will share several books about having good self esteem.
Families who stay for the whole program will earn a copy of the book, “You Are a Story” by Bob Racza. The grand finale Pizza-O-Rama starts at noon. Please bring a drink and something comfy to sit on. They will have cheese and pepperoni pizza for everyone reading at least five hours this summer.
Mark’s Ark
But wait, they aren’t done yet. Mark’s Ark will be there at 1 p.m. with several of his animal friends. Children will be able to see the animals up close and to touch some of them. The last day to turn in reading minutes is by 2 p.m. July 22. At the end of June, they had 130 children and 37 teens registered in the summer reading program.
Guest Storyteller
Local author, Dani R-G, was the special guest storyteller on Friday, June 30. She read her book, “Please.” The story is about little Livi Robinson, who thinks her mommy is funny. Although her mother forgets so many things, like her money or the way to certain places, there’s one important word she always remembers to say. Livi discovers the value of being polite, for it not only makes others feel good, but also gives Livi an inner glow. Dani’s book, “Please,” is available to check out at the Milford Public Library.
Stick Together
Stick Together creates colorful collaborations, one sticker at a time. The library has two Stick Together posters on display this summer, one in the adult area and one in the children’s area. Participants “Stick Together” by applying colored stickers to a large coded grid. Once all the stickers are attached, a vibrant mosaic image is revealed. Come in and add some stickers today.