Ellenwood, Moriarty, Bowers Top Valley Class Of 2023
By Leah Sander
AKRON — For another time in Tippecanoe Valley High School’s history, two students are at the top of its graduating class.
Alexandra “Allie” Ellenwood and Molly Moriarty are co-valedictorians for Valley’s 2023 class, achieving the same GPA. Joining them at the top is salutatorian Abigail “Abby” Bowers.
All three have known for awhile that they achieved those positions as they were determined by the girls’ GPAs after the last semester.
The three were honored with a small reception at TVHS on Friday, Feb. 10. Family, friends and Valley staff were present to congratulate the girls, and each of the three received a small cake.
“I’m super excited,” said Ellenwood, regarding becoming valedictorian. “I did not expect this because I (was) No. 2 last semester and then I saw No. 1 (for me) and … I’m super proud of myself for getting to this spot.”
She also referenced how it felt to share the valedictorian title.
“I’m super proud of me and Molly and Abby Bowers, who’s the salutatorian,” said Ellenwood. “We’ve all worked really hard and I’ve known them since middle school and I know they deserve it just as much as I do.”
She added she thanks “all of my family and friends because they’ve supported me this whole time, especially my parents because they gave me the confidence to do this and my friends for helping me in school because I wouldn’t be here without them.”
Ellenwood, of Akron, is the daughter of Jeff and Stephanie Ellenwood.
“I’m proud and honored, and it’s awesome,” said Jeff regarding his daughter being valedictorian. “She always felt like there were all these other kids that were smarter than her and (I told her), ‘You can do whatever you set your mind to do.’ It’s nice to see it come to fruition.”
“I’m just very proud of her and her accomplishments,” added Stephanie. “We’re … excited for her future.”
Allie said she plans to attend Ivy Tech Community College to study criminal justice and transfer to a larger school after two years. She noted the show “Criminal Minds” got her interested in the criminal justice field.
Her extracurricular activities have consisted of art club, mock trial, kickboxing and National Honor Society.
Moriarty, of Rochester, said “it’s amazing” to be a valedictorian.
“It was awesome that after all of my hard work, it finally paid off,” she said. “When I saw the No. 1 on my transcript, I literally freaked out.”
She added it was “awesome” to share the role of valedictorian with Allie.
“I’m just thankful for everybody that’s been here to support me,” said Moriarty.
Her parents are Steve and Jenny Moriarty.
Jenny said she was “extremely proud” of Molly.
“She’s worked really hard to get where she’s at, being in at one point four sports, student council and then taking all the extra AP classes to get ahead,” said Jenny. “I know Spanish 2 with Sonia Roche was really the driving force to get her moved up I guess to No. 1.”
“I think overall … her work ethic and being competitive just in general in life … has helped her,” said Steve. “She’s always tried to be the best at whatever she does whether it be a sport or school, and she does take it seriously.”
Jenny added she was grateful to Molly’s teachers for helping her.
Molly referenced Roche as her favorite teacher.
“She’s led me and helped me get to where I am at and she’s given me so much more personal advice,” she said.
Molly said she’s liked being involved in peer facilitators at TVHS, helping the less fortunate and to mentor younger students through it.
Her other activities have included golf, basketball, softball, Unified bowling, athletic leadership team, student council and National Honor Society.
Molly plans to go to Purdue University to major in business with a Spanish minor. She hopes to open her own coffee shop one day.
Bowers said being named salutatorian feels “surreal.”
“I’ve always been top of my class, but I’ve never thought that I would be first or second,” she said.
Bowers, of Mentone, is the daughter of Jeremy and Carrie Bowers.
“It feels great,” said Jeremy regarding his daughter’s achievement. “She’s worked hard through high school, so it’s not really a surprise to us. She’s always made her schoolwork her top priority, and so she’s always excelled at everything she’s done and put her mind to. We’re proud obviously and excited.”
He noted that Abby’s late grandmother, Lucinda (Fawley) Whetstone, was valedictorian of Valley’s first graduating class in 1975.
Abby, who’s the current TVHS senior class representative for the Tippecanoe Valley School Board, has been involved in National Honor Society and student council and played softball.
She is still undecided about her college choice, but plans to study biology or pre-dentistry before heading to dental school.
Abby said a favorite teacher of hers at Valley was business teacher Aaron Engbrecht.
“I’ve had two classes with him, and he’s just taught me a lot about not just school stuff, but life itself,” she said.