If You Don’t Use It, You Lose It: Keeping Active During Winter Months
By Amy Rupley
Guest Columnist
Editor’s Note: Amy Rupley is a physical therapist at Woodlawn Hospital, Rochester. She holds a doctor of physical therapy and is a certified athletic trainer. If you would like to schedule an appointment with her or one of her colleagues, call (574) 224-1160.
ROCHESTER — Indiana winters seem to drag on forever during the early months of the year, and those few warm days send everyone outside to get some much needed vitamin D and fresh air. These brief periods of high activity during an otherwise sedentary time of the year can put you at increased risk of injury. Staying active during the colder months will allow you to safely jump right back into those spring activities, such as golfing, hiking, pickleball or gardening.
Here are three tips to keep you moving this winter:
- Try indoor workouts. There are thousands of free online exercise programs available to meet all levels of physical activity.
- Park far away from the supermarket entrance and walk briskly through the parking lot when weather conditions allow. Avoid icy areas and watch for traffic.
- Set “activity reminders” on your phone or smart watch to encourage walking throughout the day. It’s easy to get cozy on the couch and without realizing it be inactive for hours at a time. Little reminders throughout the day can be super beneficial to increasing your activity.You don’t have to hibernate during the winter months. Stay active and spring will arrive before you know it.