Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation Holds Annual Tree Lighting
By Lauren Zeugner
SYRACUSE — About 50 people, representing staff, board members and volunteers of the Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation turned out for its annual tree lighting Friday night, Dec. 2. The event was held at the Rudddel Pavilion at the Levinson-LaBrosse Lakes and Wetlands Education Center, on SR 13 in Syracuse.
Board member Dr. Joan Szynal welcomed everyone and led the countdown to the tree lighting resulting in a large conifer located just outside the pavilion glowing with white Christmas lights. Dr. David Brandes, a former board member, explained he helped get the tree lighting party started by asking his wife, Susie Brandes, to do a painting of the pavilion with Christmas lights.
Susie Brandes, an accomplished artist, did the painting for her husband. It currently hangs in the education center of the Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation.
After the painting was completed, David Brandes decided the WACF needed to have a party to celebrate the holiday season and its accomplishments over the past year. Another board member donated the tree.
Those attending visited with one another while enjoying a variety of refreshments, including several board members “World Famous” chili and chicken and noodles. There was also a variety of home made cookies and other treats.