Silver Lake Buying Laptops, Patrol Car
By Dan Spalding
SILVER LAKE — The town of Silver Lake will be making a few acquisitions for its police department.
Town council voted Wednesday night, Nov. 9, to support plans by Silver Lake Town Marshal Jason McGlennen to purchase a patrol car and new laptops for the police department’s vehicles.
The vehicle, costing $36,283, is a 2017 Dodge Charger with 21,000 miles. A vehicle the police department had been using will be transferred to another town department.
McGlennen said they’ll have to transfer some equipment into the new car and that it will remain an “unmarked” patrol car until decals are added later.
Cost of the vehicle for the department had already been budgeted in advance.
Meanwhile, the new laptops will be paid for with donations totaling about $15,000.
The town received $10,350 from the Dr. Livengood Endowment Fund and another $5,000 from KCODE, a state program.
The laptops are designed for use in vehicles, he said.
Town council also voted to acquire three laptops to replace the ones used by town coucil members.
Each of the computers will cost about $619.