Kosciusko Special Olympic Athletes Compete In Indianapolis
News Release
WARSAW — Special Olympic athletes from Kosciusko County recently competed in flag football and corn toss as part of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver games held Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022, in Indianapolis.
The EKS fall competitions are named in honor of the Special Olympics founder, Eunice Kennedy Shriver. These games are the second-largest annual sporting event for Special Olympics Indiana.
The flag football tournament was held at Brebeuf Preparatory School in Indianapolis. The team from Kosciusko County won first place in their flight.
Corn toss was played at Zionsville Middle School. The following athletes participated in the corn toss tournament: Norm McPeak, Wayne Momeyer, Jerry Davis, Scott Frush, Ruby French, Malika Wood, Billie Holtz, Christina Messer, Walter Holtz, Amy Morris, Sandy Hunter, Teri Hughes, Jim Kussmaul, Robert Svinarich, Martha Sullivan, Morgan Swafford, Gale Vanator and Elizabeth Wabol.
Becky Walls, Kosciusko County coordinator for Special Olympics, would like to thank flag football coach Steve DeGaetano and Robin Seitner for their help with the flag football team and veteran corn toss coach Joe Baranowski.
Currently, bowling continues with Special Olympics and team basketball and basketball skills will start late next month.