So What Can You Do With A Pumpkin?
By Emily Christ
Health and Human Sciences Extension Educator
Purdue Extension Elkhart County
GOSHEN — Have you ever wondered what you could do with your pumpkins in the fall? Sometimes it can be frustrating when you buy them, carve them and then they rot on your front porch or you don’t get to even carve them due to lack of time or resources. Here are some fun activities you can do by yourself or with your little ones this pumpkin season.
Pumpkins are available in all shapes and sizes. This makes it fun and creative for decorating purposes. You can carve or paint anything you would like. It’s a great sensory experience for young children. Speaking of a sensory experience, using the pumpkin seeds in a sensory tub would be great after they are cleaned and dried. There are many cognitive benefits that come along with sensory play and you can mix and match items that are put in the tub. Be sure to supervise children at all times to avoid choking hazards.
Another great experience is to create different recipes with your pumpkin. This could be cakes, cookies, or even breads. It gives you an opportunity to be creative and make it your own. There is something special about saying you picked out your jack-o-lantern, carved it and then made a recipe of your own design. This can be done with any size pumpkin — big or small!
Another thing you can do with your pumpkin is preserve it. Canning pumpkin will allow you to preserve your pumpkin for an extended period of time without the pumpkin going bad. There are a couple different ways to accomplish this whether you are wanting pureed or chunked pumpkin. Contact the Purdue Extension Elkhart County office at (574) 533-0554 for more information on how to can pumpkin. Have a great fall season full of pumpkin fun.