Special Olympics Kosciusko County Holds Annual Awards Banquet
News Release
WARSAW — The local Special Olympics awards banquet was held Wednesday, Aug. 31, at the Noll Hall Knights of Columbus in Warsaw. Approximately 70 attended this year’s event.
The guest speaker for the banquet was Stephanie Overbey, CEO of the Kosciusko County Community Foundation. She provided an inspiring speech on how everyone needs other people’s help in their lives. Norm McPeak led the pledge of allegiance, and Malika Wood conducted the Special Olympic Athlete oath.
Spirit of Special Olympics awards for 2022 are as follows:
- Athlete: Gage Sellers
- Volunteer: Robin Seitner
- Coach: Amy Brown
- Family: Mike, Debra and Morgan Swafford
All Special Olympic athletes were recognized with a certificate and framed picture. All coaches, volunteers and board members were honored for their efforts by Becky Walls, Special Olympics county coordinator.
A special thanks to Texas Roadhouse for providing rolls and to Home City Ice for donating ice for the banquet.
Corn toss, flag football and bowling are currently active sports for local Special Olympics athletes.