Warsaw FFA Competes In Career Development Events
Press Release
WARSAW — Warsaw FFA recently competed in the Indiana 4-H/FFA Area 10 Career Development Events (CDEs) for the FFA Crops Judging CDE, FFA Forestry Judging CDE, and FFA Entomology Judging CDE.
Students who participated in the Crops Judging CDE had to identify seeds and plants from crops and weeds, identify plant diseases and insects, take an industry quiz, and grade samples of grain. Thomas Boggs, Cadence Gibson, Breanna Thompson, and Jazmyn Taylor earned sixth place in Area 10 in the Senior FFA division. This placing qualifies them for the state contest on Saturday, Dec. 11, at Purdue University. Andon Zehring also placed 51st as an individual in the senior division. Payton Kohler earned ninth place individual in the junior division.
Students who participated in the Forestry Judging CDE had to identify tree leaves, tree seeds, and wood specimens along with taking an industry quiz. Dakotah Easterday, Anthony Taylor, Lillian Haywood, and Rylan Cooper earned second place FFA team in Area 10 in the Senior FFA Division. This placing qualifies them for the state contest on Saturday, Dec. 11, at Purdue University. Makayla Riley placed sixth as an individual in the junior division.
Students who participated in the Entomology Judging CDE had to identify insects and their classification orders, along with an industry quiz. Kendall Gibson placed fifth as an individual and Cale Wise placed seventh as an individual in Area 10 in the Senior FFA Division.