Warsaw Woman Publishes Second Parenting Book
News Release
WARSAW — A Warsaw author has published her second parenting book.
After publishing “15 Ways For New Moms To Manage Stress & Stay Sane”, the most common question mom of three Kelly Mager was asked was “when are you going to write a book for dads?”
Digging into that question further, she discovered current books for new dads typically only cover pregnancy and birth. Rarely was the nitty-gritty of the first few days, weeks and years included. Recognizing this void as a market gap, Mager got to work on a sequel book, but this time for dads.
Her book “New Job: Dad” discusses the easiest and most efficient ways to deal with daily situations dads face, covering topics parents usually only learn through trial and error, and typically too late in the game for a first child.
After review from plenty of fathers who are past the first year, “New Job: Dad” was released on Sept. 16.
Find “New Job: Dad” in e-book and paperback form at retailers and the Warsaw Community Public Library.