Queen Of Lakes Pageant Applications Available
News Release
NORTH WEBSTER – The North Webster Lions Club’s 75th annual Mermaid Festival is rapidly approaching on Saturday, June 26th and officials are preparing for the Queen of Lakes Pageant.
The pageant is sponsored by the North Webster Lady Lions and is open to women ages 15-24.
Early bird registration fees of $130 have been extended to Friday, May 28. Entry fees received after that will be $150. The applications and rules may be printed from the North Webster Lions Club website at www.mermaid-festival.com under Applications. Additional information is available on Facebook at Queen of the Lakes Pageant. Email questions may be directed to [email protected].
Businesses or organizations interested in sponsoring a Queen candidate are encouraged to contact the email above to enjoy the advertising publicity related to being a sponsor.
The Queen of Lakes Pageant will be held June 26 at the North Webster Community Center located on SR 13 in North Webster. Contestants must arrive by 10 a.m.
All contestants must participate in the Mermaid Festival parade at 4 p.m. and then participate in the Queen of Lakes Pageant. They will be judged on “Through the Years – Celebrating the Mermaid Festival” theme wear and formal gowns at 7 p.m. in the gymnasium of the North Webster Community Center.
Video recordings by Ken Strong Productions Studio located at 1700 Kimal Trail, Warsaw, Indiana will be done Saturday, 10 AM on May 22 and will be a part of the pageant presentations.
The Shoop Sports and Youth Foundation, Inc will provide scholarship certificates totaling $5,000 that will be awarded to the Queen of Lakes and her Court to be applied to their college education.
The Lady Lions will provide a $100 Community Service Award and a Miss Congeniality Award. Queen of Lakes parade prize scholarships awarded by the Shoop Sports and Youth Foundation, Inc. will total $1,500.