More Road Projects Planned In Warsaw
Staff Report
WARSAW — Several road construction projects are taking place in Warsaw right now and many are set to take place later this year. This is a compilation of what residents can expect to see happening in the weeks and months to come.
Warsaw Mayor Joe Thallemer discussed all of these projects in his guest column that was published on InkFreeNews on Monday, April 5. Here is a recap of projects he mentioned:
Hickory Street railroad safety improvements
Railroad safety improvements in the area of Hickory Street are expected to be completed in May.
Concrete work on SR 15
Concrete work on curbs and ADA ramps will progress north on SR 15 to Fort Wayne Street over the next few weeks. Once that is completed, milling, resurfacing and striping will end at Detroit and Market Streets sometime in May.
Railroad crossing at Detroit Street
The railroad crossing at Detroit Street for the east-west CF&E railroad will be replaced sometime in April.
US 30 updates
INDOT has informed the City of Warsaw that later this summer, they will be initiating bridge and lane improvements, as well as resurfacing, of US 30 from SR 19 to just east of Warsaw.
Warsaw’s Street Department projects
The city of Warsaw has plans to resurface several dozen side street sections and alleyways between May and September. In that timeframe, the city will also be doing micro sealing, crack sealing and asphalt rejuvenation maintenance projects.
New traffic signals will also be installed on Center Street at the Indiana and Lake Street intersections.