Kosciusko BZA Approves Expansion For Maxwelton Golf Course
By Maggie Kenworthy
WARSAW — Maxwelton Golf Course received an exception approval to allow the construction of a maintenance building during the Kosciusko County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held Tuesday, Jan. 12.
The exception allows Maxwelton Golf Course, 5721 E. Elkhart County Line Road, Syracuse, to construct a 40-foot by 80-foot maintenance building and a 10-foot by 27-foot covered porch in a public use district. The new maintenance building will be placed near the existing maintenance building.
Brad Rockman, the contractor represented Maxwelton Golf Course at the meeting and said the purpose behind the request was that the new owners wanted to make improvements to the course.
A neighbor, who owns property next to the gravel access drive to the maintenance building had questions regarding the timeline for construction. Rockman said the intention is for the building to be completed before the next golf season begins.
The board stressed that any damage to the neighboring property while heavy machinery ia used to the access drive would need to be repaired by Maxwelton Golf Course. With that stipulation, the board approved the request.
The board also heard a request for an exception to allow a home-based business in an agricultural district.
MLJ Communication, 2829 Wooster Road, Warsaw, wants to have a dog training, boarding and day camp on the property. The owner, Matthew Marshall, recently bought the home but has a kennel location at the old Animal Welfare League property.
Marshall explained to the board that his property is not a puppy mill. Instead, he trains and boards dogs with no breeding to be done on-site. He has a way to control the barking and noise levels of the dogs and has worked out a plan for waste removal.
The maximum number of dogs on-site will be limited to 30 dogs.
The board also approved this request.
Since this was the first BZA meeting of 2021, the board held an election of officers. Lee Harman will serve as chair, Ron Robinson will serve as vice-chair, Charlotte Siegfried will serve as secretary and Randy Cox will serve as hearing officer.
In other issues, the board approved the following:
- Rhonda Harris, 103 S. Seventh St., Pierceton, requested a variance to allow an above-ground pool one-foot from the west right-of-way and 15.5 feet from a north right-of-way. A fence is to be moved so it is 35 feet from the edge of the roadway.
- Mark Booth, 9758 N. Hiawatha Lane, Syracuse, requested an exception to allow a residence accessory to remain on a tract of land without a residence.
- Bradly and Melani Knisley, 2469 West CR 200N, Warsaw, requested a variance to allow a residence addition of a porch 26 feet and 5 inches from the right-of-way. This addition will be in line with the existing residence.
- Tom Howat, Lakeshore Drive, east of Wood Duck Drive in Mentone, requested an exception to allow the construction of an accessory building on a tract of land without a residence. A variance was also requested to allow the accessory building and a deck to be built 15 feet from the right-of-way.
- Joseph Bontrager, 421 East CR 1300N, Milford, requested an exception to allow agricultural animals and a 20-foot by 20-foot structure to shelter animals in a residential district. The board stated that up to two horses and 10 chickens are allowed on the property at one time.
- Eddie Christoffel, 135 EMS B40A Lane, Warsaw, requested a covered walkway addition 21 feet from the right-of-way and a roof extension over a garage 19 feet from the right-of-way.
- Robert and Denise Hoffer, 8190 E. Cassandra Drive, Syracuse, requested to construct a residence addition, consisting of a covered deck, pergola and open deck, within 12 feet from the water’s edge and five feet from the north and east sidelines.
- Martin and Vicki Henry requested an exception and variance to construct a new boathouse on the west side of Bayshore Drive, north of Hatchery Road. The accessory building will be 1136 square-feet when the ordinance allows 720 square-feet. Also, the building will be zero feet from the water’s edge, 3.4 feet from the south sideline, 2 feet from the right-of-way and 3.03 feet from the north sideline.
- Michael and Roberta Millhouse, 14 EMS T24 Lane, Leesburg, requested a variance to replace a deck and porch four feet from the east sideline and 4.3 feet from the west sideline.
- George Blessing II, 2512 North CR 650E, Warsaw, requested a variance to construct a residence addition 23 feet from an access easement.
- Joas Miller, 12823 North Camelot Trail, Milford, requested a variance to allow a residence to remain as constructed. The residence is 32 feet from the right-of-way, zero feet from the rear property line and closer than 35 feet to a fluctuating water line.