Kosciusko County
The following people were booked in the Kosciusko County Jail:
Aug. 10 — Casey Dwen Ferguson Jr., 26, 602 W. Section St., Milford, was booked for battery with moderate bodily injury. Bond: $5,250 surety and cash.
Aug. 11 — Jacob Allen Wheat, 19, 11199 N. Humpty Dumpty Drive, Cromwell, was booked for minor in possession of alcohol and criminal mischief. Bond: $600 cash.
Aug. 10 — Joshua T. Ellis, 20, 3762 W. Old Road 30, Warsaw, was booked for possession of paraphernalia, possession of marijuana/hash oil/hashish and operating with a controlled substance in body. Bond: $700 cash.
Aug. 10 — Kenny B. Joseph, 50, 936 E. 93rd St., Chicago, Ill., was booked for theft. Bond: $10,500 surety and cash.
Aug. 10 — Ryan Paul Nicholas Rautenberg, 32, 342 South CR 325E, Warsaw, was booked for three counts of probation violation. No bond.
Aug. 10 — Sydney Ann Ackerman, 25, 7815 West CR 500S, Pierceton, was booked for failure to appear. Bond: $400 cash.