Warsaw Shifts Funds To Cover Road Work
By Dan Spalding
WARSAW – City Council is already making adjustments in funding for road work in anticipation of shortfalls in revenues as a result of the pandemic.
Public Works Superintendent Dustin Dillon proposed shifting $412,700 from salaries, insurance and other personnel categories to be used for operating supplies, maintenance and road repairs.
The money became available because the street department has not been fully staffed this year, Dillon said.
Cities and counties are expecting significant shortfalls in some revenues because of the pandemic that are normally used for road projects. Those funds include Local Roads and Streets and the Motor Vehicle Highway.
Exactly how much money the city of Warsaw will lose remains unclear, but it is expected to affect budget plans for at least the next two years because of a normal lag in the distribution of the funds.
City Council approved Dillon’s request to transfer the money in a unanimous vote, 7-0, on Monday night, July 20.
Mayor Joe Thallemer applauded the plan, saying it was a good plan to replace shortfalls.