K21 Provides Defibrillator For Indiana Guard Reserve
The K21 Health Foundation has awarded the Indiana Guard Reserve 1st BDE a grant for a ZOLL Defibrillator.
The Defibrillator is valued at about $1,200.
“We are very fortunate to have the K21 Health Foundation. The organization is such a strong advocate helping our community be a better place for our health and well-being of all Kosciusko County residents,” said CW3 (Ret) Ed Ksiezopolski – Medical Advisor”
The Indiana Guard Reserve – a subset of the Indiana National Guard – provides citizens in our community with support during emergency and disaster response.
The Indiana Guard Reserve continually hones capabilities through designing and evaluating internal training exercises, Search & Rescue, Community Emergency Response Teams, Medical, and Communications providing community support. No matter the need, the Indiana Guard Reserve stands ready to serve. This is an all-volunteer organization trained and ready.