Wawasee, Triton, Manchester Schools Cancel Classes
WARSAW — Several area school corporations have also announced their closure for the next few weeks as a preventative measure against COVID-19, or the coronavirus.
Wawasee Community Schools
Wawasee Community School Corporation made the decision on Friday, March 13, to close for on-site education on Monday, March 16 through the end of spring break (April 10). This means there will be no student activities or practices after Friday, March 13 to April 11.
Following is a statement from Wawasee Community Schools regarding the closing:
While there is no perfect plan for such an unprecedented situation, we have prepared what we believe will be one that is workable for students, teachers, and parents. While in-class learning is our preferred and best method to deliver instruction, we are grateful that we have an avenue through eLearning to continue the educational process. For students who do not have connectivity, packets will be delivered so that those students can continue their learning. Parents can contact their child’s school to request a learning packet:
- Milford School: (574) 658-8839
- North Webster School: (574) 834-7644
- Syracuse School: (574) 457-4484
- Wawasee Middle School: (574) 457-8839
- Wawasee High School: (574) 457-3147
Wawasee Community Schools will make use of seven waiver days (no instruction) from the Indiana Department of Education and seven eLearning days during this time. eLearning days are March 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 31, and April 2. Spring break will be April 3 to April 10 as planned. eLearning assignments can be accessed at https://www.wawasee.k12.in.us/elearning-days.
For students who do not have access to breakfast and/or lunch, free breakfasts and free lunches will be available to any child age eighteen and under from 7 am-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, at the front office of North Webster School, Syracuse School, and Milford School.
Manchester Community Schools
Manchester Community Schools Superintendent Teresa Gremaux announced that Manchester Community Schools is closing all schools and cancelling all school-related activities from the end of the school day on Friday, March 13, until Monday, April 13. According to a press release from Gremaux, more details will be shared with families in the coming days concerning extended eLearning procedures, as well as details on food distribution. The school corporation will continue to monitor information from local, state and national health officials.
Triton Community Schools
Triton School Corporation will be closed from March 16 through March 30. According to a statement from Triton School Corporation’s Facebook page, the school corporation will complete a deep clean of classrooms, offices and buses next week. During the school corporation’s closure, all extra-curricular activities will be cancelled and postponed during that time.
Fairfield Community Schools
As of Friday, March 13, Fairfield Community Schools has not closed; however, all school-sanctioned field trips and athletic events outside of Elkhart County will be cancelled through spring break. If a case of COVID-19 arises in Elkhart County, all extra-curricular events will be cancelled through spring break.
Warsaw Community Schools and Grace College announced their closures earlier on Friday, March 13.