WCHS Senior To Be Recognized At IDOE Awards Program
WARSAW — On Feb. 18, the Indiana Department of Education will host its annual Awards for Excellence recognition program. The event celebrates accomplished students, programs and business partnerships in Career and Technical Education throughout the state.
Reagan Rowland, a Warsaw Community High School senior, was nominated for recognition by her teachers and Warsaw Area Career Center Director Ronna Kawsky
“It’s well-deserved,” said WCS Superintendent Dr. David Hoffert. “She’s been such a leader.”
Greg and Kassi Rowland are Reagan’s parents. Rowland is in her 10th year of participation with 4-H, where she enjoys showing her beef cows. Rowland is now in her sixth year with FFA and has excelled in parliamentary procedures; she enjoys the team-based challenge. Other roles and responsibilities that exemplify Rowland’s work ethic include crops judging, multiple leadership development event contests, serving on numerous committees and attending several state and national conventions.
Rowland has held officer positions at both the chapter and district levels, including past Warsaw FFA chapter reporter and vice-president and current chapter president and District II historian.
Rowland is also in the National Honors Society, involved in the Octagon Club and currently in the Work-Based Learning Internship Program with the WACC.
“Our daughter has been blessed by receiving this recognition and it’s such a joy to be her parents,” said Kassi Rowland.
On Jan. 27, Rowland accepted a place at Purdue University to study agronomy, the science and technology of producing and using plants in agriculture for food, fuel, fiber and land restoration.
Rowland and her sister, Reese, grew up in Leesburg on Tom Farms.
“I have known that I wanted to be an agronomist since seventh grade,” said Rowland. “Both of my parents work in the agriculture field and I knew that would be my career path as well. My goal after finishing college would be to obtain a position with a local agronomy company and possibly operating my own business someday. An agronomy degree brings many opportunities in the field of agriculture. My hope is to gain valuable information during my time at college and during my future years as an employee.”