Hill Says State Will Continue Offering Chemical Addiction Program For Jails
WARSAW — Throughout 2020, the office of the Indiana Attorney General will continue awarding grants to help fund jail chemical addiction programs in counties across Indiana.
Administered in collaboration with the Indiana Drug Enforcement Association, the grants have now helped launch JCAP programs serving six Indiana counties — Fountain, Kosciusko, Montgomery, Scott, Shelby and Warren. The JCAP model is based on programs already implemented in Boone and Dearborn counties before the Office of the Attorney General began its grant process.
According to the press release, Hill says JCAP programs are vital to reducing recidivism.
“We must ensure that offenders in our jails and prisons are provided genuine and meaningful opportunities to turn their lives around and break the cycles that lead people repeatedly into criminal behavior,” said Hill. “JCAP programs are excellent examples of such opportunities.”
JCAP programs are evidence-based inpatient treatment programs offered within county jails to offenders suffering from addiction issues. They have been shown to significantly reduce recidivism among offenders through utilization of cognitive behavioral therapy and therapeutic communities. The programs are also inexpensive to operate; once established, they can be funded through court and probation fees.