Grace Wind Ensemble To Celebrate Moon Landing Anniversary
WINONA LAKE — The Grace College Wind Ensemble Fall Concert, “One Small Step,” will be Friday, Nov. 22, at 7:30 p.m. in the Winona Heritage Room, 901 Park Ave., Winona Lake.
The concert will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing and other space exploration achievements through music. The community is invited to attend this free concert, said a news release from Grace College.
The ensemble is comprised of 75 students, community members and professional musicians. The performance will include music that specifically pays tribute to Apollo 13, Frank Sinatra, Gustav Holst, John Philip Sousa, and John F. Kennedy.
“President Kennedy was a strong supporter of a manned mission to the moon,” said Eric Criss, director of the Grace College Wind Ensemble. “We will honor President Kennedy and his commitment to landing on the moon through the piece ‘Elegy For A Young American’ by Ronald Lo Presti which is written to reflect Kennedy’s life,” Criss said.
A video will accompany the performance of Lo Presti’s piece for an even greater impact. “I hope this will be a highlight of the evening,” said Criss.
A free-will offering will be taken at the concert.
Other upcoming Festival of Music concerts includes the Worship Arts Student Recital on Nov. 23 and the Caroling and Tree Lighting on Nov. 30. Visit for more information.