Board Of Zoning Appeals Approves Variance For St. Anne’s Episcopal Church
WARSAW — The Warsaw Board of Zoning Appeals approved a variance request for St. Anne’s Episcopal Church during a three-minutes meeting held Tuesday, May 28.
St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, 424 W. Market St., requested a variance to allow a 27 square foot sign that is 7 feet, two inches tall in an R-3 zoning district. The proposed sign will replace an existing freestanding sign that conformed to the ordinance. The new sign will be placed on a recently acquired parcel of land to the east of the church. The parcel has been combined with the church lot so the sign will be considered as an on-premise sign.
“The addition of this sign will not drastically change the character of this neighborhood and that the approval of this variance will not be damaging to public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community, said Senior Planner Justin Taylor. “Looking at the character of the sign, the planning department didn’t feel that it was too out of character for the area.”
Only one person spoke during the public comment section of the meeting.
“I just wanted to come and tell you how much we appreciate the opportunity to put a new sign on our property,” said Brenda Rigdon, senior warden at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church. “The sign that we currently have is over 20 years old.”
The board voted unanimously to approve the variance request.