Housing Opportunities Of Warsaw Offering Tax Credits
KOSCIUSKO — Housing Opportunities of Warsaw, a local not-for-profit organization that assists in improving the housing conditions of low-to-moderate income households in Kosciusko County, has $1,400 in Indiana state tax credits still available for purchase. The tax credits, which are available at a $50 minimum, must be bought by Sunday, March 31, and go towards Indiana state income tax liabilities. The tax credits can be used as a deduction for 2019 federal taxes.
All money donated to HOW goes towards their mission to “encourage and expand safe and affordable housing by providing opportunity and choice through investment in people and communities.” Through rental assistance, healthy housing assessments, handicap accessible home retrofits, home ownership classes and some traditional housing, HOW has helped low-to-moderate income households within Kosciusko County since 1997.
“We do a little bit of everything to help people who need housing assistance,” said Pamela Kennedy, executive director of HOW. “On top of the retrofits we do and the rental assistance we provide, our Healthy Homes program tests for radon and other health threats in local homes. Our Lifecycles of Homeownership class aims to help people of all income levels view their homes as assets instead of just a place to live.”
Anyone wishing to purchase the tax credits can reach Kennedy at (574) 269-7641 ext. 103 or [email protected]. Those interested in finding out about HOW and ways you can help can visit online.