Take A Trip Back In Time At The North Webster Cemetery Walk
NORTH WEBSTER — North Webster Community Public Library will host its 12th annual Cemetery Walk 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 9. Open to the public free of charge, this living history event is sponsored by the library’s Local History and Genealogy Center.
During the Cemetery Walk, the library conducts guided walking tours through North Webster Cemetery where enactors are stationed throughout portraying individuals who are buried there. As the enactors tell their life stories, visitors learn about local history through the lives of ordinary people.
Tours begin at the North Webster Library, located at 301 N. Main St., leaving every 10 minutes between 1 and 3 p.m. to walk the short distance to the cemetery. Golf cart shuttles will be available for people who have difficulty walking.
Playing the cornet, Dennis Ulrey will provide music in the cemetery. Friends of the Library organization will furnish free refreshments while patrons wait for their tour to begin or after their tour ends.
The 2018 Cemetery Walk will remember the late Ira Rothenberger (1876-1965) portrayed by Ben Keirn; Hazel Gants (1897-1987) portrayed by Mariah Roberts; Homer Graber (1935-2009) portrayed by Forrest Boesenburg; Tressa and Charles Gilliam (1881-1966; 1879-1957) portrayed by Ashley and Matt Pulley; Harriet Earll (1915-1998) portrayed by Lori Hickman; Ralph Scott (1893-1926) portrayed by Gary Earnhart; and Henry Willis (1877-1958) portrayed by Todd Lucas. Researching these individuals were Cindy Keirn, Rebecca Pressler and Ann Mock.
For more information, contact Local History and Genealogy Center Director Beth Smith, (574) 834-7122, extension 205. Videos of past Cemetery Walks are available for viewing on the library’s website at www.nweb.lib.in.us/indiana_room/walk.