The Syracuse Library Is A Rockin’ Place
SYRACUSE — Summer reading for children and teens officially begins on Tuesday, June 5. The music of singer Tom Sieling is at 2 p.m. Pamphlets that have a complete description of the rockin’ programs through the summer are available to keep everyone coming to the right program. This summer come see how the Syracuse Library Rocks.
The Frankenstein book club for teens is meeting for the first time at 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 6. A personal copy of the book is given to those attending the weekly meetings.
Geocachers are invited to meet at the Syracuse Library for the annual International Geochaching Flash Mob. The theme is the celebration of Mary Shelley’s book, Frankenstein. Conversation and flash mob plans begin at noon on Saturday, June 9. Earlier in the morning the writing group is meeting at 10 a.m. Anyone interested in getting friendly but sincere feedback is welcome to bring a piece to share with the group. The FrankenHowl Open Mic Night in July is coming to offer a venue for writers to present their compositions. Writers that share also grow.
The Friends annual meeting will kick-off the annual membership drive at 10:15 a.m. Thursday, June 7. The hour discussion focuses on future projects at the library. The Friends are the first to know.
WorkOne is at the Syracuse Library from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Wednesday. They help with all levels of skill development, such as people that need to set up an email account or coaching to use a computer. They have access to training programs for those interested in switching their career path.