Sheriff’s Department Participates In No Shave November, Donates To Unpaid Lunch Balances
KOSCIUSKO — Several of the 53 participating Kosciusko County Sheriff Deputies returned to the Justice Building Thursday evening, Nov. 30, to end their month-long No Shave November event.
Sheriff’s deputies, confinement officers and reserve deputies had been allowed to grow beards during the month of November by Sheriff Rocky Goshert. Syracuse Police Department also participated this year in the event with multiple officers to aid in the fundraising. Officers were asked to donate $20 to participate, which culminated in the deputies raising over $1,000 to present to local schools to aid with unpaid lunch balances at those schools.
The schools that were presented with the donation for the unpaid school lunches were Syracuse Elementary School, Leesburg Elementary School, Madison Elementary School, Eisenhower Elementary School and Claypool Elementary School. All of the mentioned schools are assigned locations for daily patrol by the officers who participated in the event.
Local barbers, Bob and Nelson Conley, provided all officers with a free shave. Cpl. Mike Fowler originated this event, and is already making plans to continue to grow the event next year to continue aiding our community. Goshert expressed his pleasure with the outcome of this year’s event and was happy to accompany Cpl. Fowler to several schools on Monday to present the unpaid lunch assistance to those locations.