Milford Library News
Story Time Continues Nov. 8 And 9
Children at story time on Wednesday, Nov. 8 and Thursday, Nov. 9, will learn about what to do to get ready for cold weather. Children will decorate mittens and enjoy warm stories. Story time introduces children to a love of literature. If children can’t make it in, they can have fun watching virtual story time videos on Milford Public Library’s Facebook page. Children are also welcome to enjoy games in the children’s department that will develop their fine motor skills. No library card is needed. Please sign up for story time by calling (574) 658-4312.
Lego Crew
Teens and children are welcome to attend Lego Crew from 10:30 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 11. Children and teens can build with hundreds of Legos for free. They will learn engineering skills, persistence and have fun interacting with other children and teens attending. No library card is needed to participate. For more information, call (574) 658-4312.
Teen Book Club
Teens are currently reading Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon for the Teen Book Club meeting at 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11. In Everything, Everything, 18-year-old Madeline has a rare immunodeficiency condition that requires her to never leave her home or interact with anything unsanitized. But when Madeline starts messaging her new neighbor Olly, everything changes. If interested in reading with the club, call the Milford Public Library at (574) 658-4312 to place a hold.
Friends Of The Library Meet Nov. 7
Join the Friends of the Milford Public Library for the next meeting at 1 p.m. Nov. 7. The friends organize book sales and other fundraising events to raise money for the library. If interested in helping the community, please plan to attend. Receive more information by calling (574) 658-4312.
Knitting Club Meets Nov. 3 And 17
The Knitting Club welcomes any individual with or without a library card to monthly meetings at Milford Public Library on the first and third Fridays each month. The Knitting Club will meet at 1 p.m. Nov. 3 and Nov. 17, to work on existing projects and get ahead on new ones. The members are happy to teach new members.