Slate Set For Sheriff’s Caucus
KOSCIUSKO COUNTY — The deadline for filing a candidacy for Sheriff of Kosciusko County was at 7 p.m. Sunday, June 18. According to Mike Ragan, Kosciusko County Republican Central Committee Chairman, no additional candidates have filed and the slate is set. There are six candidates.
The caucus will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 21, in the old courtroom in the Kosciusko County Courthouse.
Ragan announced the candidates will speak in the order of their filing: Jordan A. Foreman, Joshua Spangle, Louis W. (Bill) Brown, W. Kelly Prater, Kyle P. Dukes and William (Rocky) Goshert. Each candidate will be allowed three minutes to address the precinct committeemen.
The number of people allowed in the courtroom for the caucus has been limited to 120 for safety precautions, following an inspection by Warsaw-Wayne Fire Chief Michael Wilson. Priority seating will be given to the candidates, precinct committeemen, caucus workers (anyone essential to the caucus) and the media. The remainder will be on a first come first serve basis.