Man Frauds Banks $15,000, Sends Proceeds To Company In Nigeria
WARSAW — Glen Gregory Ashby Sr. 64, 665 Walter Way, Warsaw, was arrested for fraud of a financial institution.
According to the affidavit of probable cause, personnel at Lake City Bank told police that on June 3 Ashby had presented a Chase Bank credit card and his Indiana driver’s license at a Lake City Bank branch and received a $4,000 cash advance.
Later that day, Ashby again went to a Lake City Bank branch and presented a Chase bank credit card and his Indiana driver’s license and received a $7,000 cash advance.
On June 10, Ashby went to a third Lake City Bank branch and presented a Chase bank credit card and his Indiana driver’s license and received a $4,000 cash advance.
According to the affidavit of probable cause, Chase Bank filed a dispute claim on June 21 advising the Chase Bank credit card Ashby had used for both transactions on June 3 and June 10 was fraudulent.
According to the affidavit of probable cause, officials spoke with Ashby who admitted he obtained three cash advances from Lake City Bank using a Chase Bank credit card for a total amount of $15,000. Ashby also admitted he had made cash advances with a Chase Bank credit card at Farmer’s State Bank, but stopped using Farmer State Bank because there was something wrong with the credit cards.
Ashby advised he received the cards from an individual in Nigeria and the money was for their company. According to the affidavit of probable cause, Ashby admitted he obtained the money using the credit cards and sent all the money to Lagos, Nigeria in different people’s names.
Ashby was booked into the Kosciusko County Jail on Aug. 27 with a bond of $10,250 surety and cash.