Two Bulls Crash Pennsylvania Family’s Basement
LACKAWANNA COUNTY, PA. — It was bulls gone wild in Lackawanna County, Pa. Thursday morning, Aug. 11, after a pair of bulls crashed a family’s basement.
Scott Township Police say two bulls made their escape after knocking down a fence.
They made their way to a neighbor’s home, where they knocked over a mailbox, damaged a faucet and rubbed up against a car.
The real problems started when the bulls crashed through a basement door, leaving mud and manure all over the place.
The homeowner called 911.”I looked outside, because I thought maybe my father-in-law was stopping over,” said Mari Castelli, the homeowner. “I looked down to see what looked like a cow, to be slamming into the door, and I didn’t realize there was another cow inside the basement.”
“When I arrived on scene, they had already fled the scene,” said Ed Frescoln with the Scott Township Police Department. “So we got the bulls owner, and were able to corral them into their fenced in area.”
Source: WTHR