Bicentennial Committee Hosting Art and Essay Contests
KOSCIUSKO COUNTY — As Indiana nears its 200th “birthday,” the Kosciusko County Bicentennial Committee is getting people interested in Indiana’s Bicentennial by kicking off an Art Contest and an Essay Contest.
The Art Contest is asking artists to “show us why you love Indiana.” There are four categories to enter including grades kindergarten through third grade, fourth grade through eighth grade, ninth grade through twelfth grade and adults.
All entries should be drawings, paintings or photograph form. The entries must be turned into Paula Bowman at the Latte Lounge, Warsaw by Sept. 6. All entries will be displayed during a festival on Oct. 1 and the winning entries will be awarded prizes.
The Essay Contest is asking local authors to “tell us why you love Indiana.” There are four categories to enter for the Essay Contest. Grades kindergarten through third grade and fourth grade through eighth grade may submit essays of 300 words or less. Ninth grade through twelfth grade and adults may submit essays 500 words or less.
The deadline for the essays is Sept 6. All entries must be mailed to the Courthouse at 100 W Center St., Room 121, Warsaw, IN, 46580. All entries will be displayed during a festival on Oct. 1 and winning essays will receive awards and be read at Bicentennial Events on Sept. 29 through Oct. 1.