Oakwood Cemetery Discusses Internet And Columbariums
WARSAW — As of yesterday, Thursday, May 5, OakWood Cemetery is “live” with high-speed internet and phones, through Warsaw Fiber.
Oakwood Cemetery Board President Dave Baumgartner asked Oakwood Cemetery Sexton Hal Heagy, “Is the whole city on this fiber now?
Heagy said no, but eventually all the city buildings will be on Warsaw Fiber, “Active right now is myself today (the cemetery), streets, airport, parks is it.” Heagy said the Wastewater Utility Department hasn’t gotten the “cable in yet.” He continued to say the Police Department has issues, “City Hall has it, but it’s not hooked up and I think the Fire Department has some issues, I believe.” Heagy clarified the issues weren’t “bad” issues, but were connections that need a bit longer to be finished. Heagy said, “Everybody’s working on it, we’re all set up with them to go, we all have the contracts.”
Heagy wants the cemetery to eventually have hotspots, “Because we have this mapped on satellite and people can use their smartphones to find their loved ones.”
Heagy told the board the columbariums weren’t installed correctly and he will be working with James Emans, city engineer and the columbariums have been changed a little bit. Emans and Heagy will get the specs together and send out quotes for the construction of them. Columbariums are an above ground room or wall that holds funeral urns.
In other business:
- Heagy and Park Superintendent Larry Plummer are working together to get new gas lines through NIPSCO to replace the LP tanks with gas meters.
- The back gate has been installed and Heagy says trucks can now get through without having to bend their side mirrors.
- Summer help, of two school teachers and two Whitko High School students, will start June 6.
- The front gate now has stonework flower beds and spring flowers have been ordered. They will be in before Memorial Day.
The next cemetery board meeting will 5 p.m. Thursday, June 2.