Triton FFA Awards Members
Superintendent, Triton Community School Corporation
BOURBON — The Triton FFA Chapter held their annual FFA banquet at the Bourbon Christian School on Sunday, May 1. In attendance were over 105 members, parents, alumni and special guests. Indiana State Treasurer, Sean Harrington spoke to the banquet hall about the significance of the FFA Jacket. The officer team recognized Career Development Event participants, Leadership contest participants and handed out special officer awards.
The officer awards is a new tradition at Triton. Each officer presented an award based on the station they represent. The Rising Sun Award was given to Abigail Powell, the president; The Work Horse Award was given to Cortney Sherow, the vice president; The Unity Award was given to Jarred Watson, the secretary; The Washington Award was given to Zoee Stephan, the treasurer; The Red, White and Blue Award was given to Lyda Scarberry, the reporter; The Shield of Friendship was given to Bryce Swihart, the sentinel; and the Agriculture Education Award was given to Megan Scott, the historian.
FFA members have worked very hard this past year earning their FFA Degrees of membership. Fifteen Greenhand Degree members, four Chapter Degree members, and five State Degree members were recognized for their dedication to the Triton FFA Chapter and Agriculture Program. Finally the new officer team was installed and the banquet hall was adjourned.