Whitko Softball: ‘Cats To Play Salvation Army Benefit Game Against Squires
NORTH MANCHESTER — At next Wednesday’s softball game between Manchester and Whitko there will be a benefit held to raise funds for the Salvation Army.
Whitko’s Kennedy Krull has helped arrange the event as part of satisfying a requirement for KYLA.
When spectators enter the Ruppel Complex in North Manchester for the game they will have the opportunity to donate money. Each player from the two team will have a picture and bio of themselves set out along with a Salvation Army kettle for money to be placed in. For every $5 a player get one vote. The players with the top three number of votes will receive prizes.
There have been shirts sold in advance for the event to help raise funds and shirt order will also be taken at the game. Both teams will be wearing special jersey tops for the contest as well.
First pitch is slated for 5 p.m. Any questions regarding the event can be directed to [email protected]