Wawasee FFA Recognizes Members, Community Members At Banquet
SYRACUSE — Students and community members were honored at the Wawasee FFA Banquet Thursday evening, April 21. The evening recognizes the accomplishments of the members themselves, along with showing appreciation to those in the community and school who help further the FFA program.
John Zimmerman, Ed Waltz, Jesse Kimmel and Vince Beasley were recognized for their work with the chapter. Each received a certificate of appreciation award.
The Honorary Chapter FFA Degree was bestowed upon Mike Schmidt and Kim Nguyen, while the distinguished service award, presented to individuals in the community who have continually demonstrated their support and encouragement to the FFA, were given to Joan Harden, Trish Miller and Kathie (Kiefer) Matz.
A highlight of the evening is the presentation of the yearly chapter awards. Recipients were:
- Madelyn Zimmerman — Freshman Leadership Award; Blue and Gold Award and Chapter Star Greenhand
- Clara Hardy — Sophomore Leadership Award
- Ashley Beer — Junior Leadership Award
- Michael McCulloch — Chore-Time Brock Senior Leadership Scholarship
- Leeann Estrada — Purdue Junior Scholars Award
- Hunter Magiera — Advisor’s Award
- Austin Beer — Blue and Gold Award, Chapter Star Production Agriculture Award, Chad Beer Memorial Scholarship and Ray E. Darr Memorial Scholarship
- Elizabeth Zorn — Chapter Star Agribusinessman Award
- Conner Sausaman — Agriculture Education Scholarship.
Brett Roberts, state FFA officer, and son of former Wawasee FFA member Brian Roberts, was the 2016 Wawasee FFA Honoree who read resumes of the award winners.
Qualifying first and second year members also received their Greenhand and chapter pins respectively. Students who participated in a state Career Development Event were also awarded state pins. Thirty-one members achieved this honor.
The state CDE Pin winners include:
- Small Engines — McCulloch, Liz Fetters, T.J. Collins and Gavin Baker
- Horse — Taylor Mock, Sophia Nyce, Jamaica Ensz and Christy Carson
- Leadership — Ag Issues: Kevin Schlipf, Sarah Harden, Colin Beer, Shelby Swartz, Mason Germonprez, Austin Beer, Ashley Beer and Carson.
- Horticulture — Kayla Estrada, Laurana Perry, Matt Rhodes and Leeann Estrada
- Soils — Carson, McCulloch, Bryce Wuthrich and Madelyn Zimmerman.
- Dairy — Sarah Harden, Mageria and Gynnae Hochstetler.
Animal Science Demonstration — Ashley Beer and Molly Swartz.
It was noted Austin Beer, in Swine Entrepreneurship Proficiency and Zorn, in Poultry Entrepreneurship Proficiency, have been been ranked Gold in their SAE Proficiency Award Applications. Both will know the final results at the state convention in June. Austin Beer was also recognized for his application for a Hoosier State Degree. The result will be announced in the near future.
The event was presided over by the 2015-16 Wawasee FFA Chapter Officers: Austin Beer, president; Ashley Beer, vice president; Molly Swartz, secretary; Wuthrich, treasurer; Zorn. reporter; and McCulloch, sentinel.
The banquet concluded with the installation of the 2016-17 chapter officers: Zorn, president; Wuthrich, vice president; Ashley Beer, secretary; Carson, treasurer; Hardy and Zimmerman, co-reporters; and Magiera, sentinel.
There were 33 members and 189 guests attending the event, which included a meal prepared by Wawasee Food Services Department, with entrees provided by Maple Leaf Farms.
The evening additionally included recognition of corporate and award sponsors in a special slide show, and a slideshow presentation of member’s projects and activities of the past year.