Construction On SR 19 Left Turn Lanes Begins
ELKHART COUNTY — The Indiana Department of Transportation announced a tentative timeline for construction of left-turn lanes on SR 19 at CR 52, just north of the Nappanee. Work recently began with the installation of pipe along the roadway.
Motorists can expect daytime traffic directed by flaggers while the remainder of pipe is installed. Later, drivers will experience a slight traffic shift on SR 19 to facilitate the temporary paving of the northbound shoulder. Once the shoulder has been paved, traffic will be shifted onto the northbound lane and newly paved shoulder.
At this time, the west leg of CR 52 will be closed to through traffic, with a 12-foot lane maintained to allow area residents access to their homes. This will accommodate the construction of the new southbound lane and shoulder.
Later this fall, traffic will be shifted to the newly constructed southbound lane and shoulder while the left turn lanes are built. During this phase of construction, the east leg of CR 52 will be closed to through traffic. A 12-foot lane will be maintained on CR 52 for residents to access their homes.
An advisory speed of 45 miles per hour will be in effect through the construction zone. INDOT reminds drivers to use caution when traveling through any active construction zone.
The project is scheduled to be completed in early November, weather permitting. It is being constructed in conjunction with added left turn lanes at C.R. 38, which were constructed in 2015. The contract for the joint project was awarded to Walsh and Kelly Inc. for $2.9 million.
View this project in INDOT’s CARS program here.