Freedom: Bought For A Price
Dear Editor:
There is no greater love than a man lay down his life for a friend. Too many Americans have forgotten their birthright; the unalienable rights to life liberty and property. Americans ready to give up their birthright for a bowl of soup (Genesis 25), profane the memory of the soldiers who gave their lives in the Revolution to birth the American dream; and thousands of soldiers who died to defend these same rights.
Some Americans are willing to give up their birthright for free healthcare, free college tuition, or a free phone. We have an important election coming up, and I sure hope you don’t vote away your freedom, one of God’s 20 unalienable rights, fought and died for by brave Americans.
Nothing is free. The government can’t give you anything it doesn’t first take away. The government doesn’t produce anything. All the government can do is to steal, by taxation … Do you suppose God almighty wants the government to steal from one person to give to another? … It’s socialism.
A man has a right to keep what he earns. Private property is one of our God-given unalienable rights. Government’s proper role is to protect our individual unalienable rights … We should never ask the government for anything, because it will have to steal it from someone else by taxes. Even stealing from a company is wrong. The founders understood this so clearly, they stood up to King George against a luxury tax on tea.
Remember the Boston Tea Party? … It is better to drink coffee than support government tea tax tyranny. Don’t give up your liberty for the promise of a free government benefit, it will only cause the government to steal it from someone else and you will be a complicit thief under God’s righteous judgement. Socialism only works until you run out of other people’s money.
With freedom comes responsibility. We have to work hard as part of our American heritage. Remember the protestant work ethic? We have to buy our own cell phone, buy our own healthcare and pay for our own college education. Don’t profane the memory of those who died for your freedom and liberty. … And Christians: Jesus never criticized Rome or the church for not taking care of citizen’s needs. Jesus said, you take care of he poor, the weak, the orphan and the widow. It’s not the government responsibility; it’s for families to take care of their own relatives. “A man who doesn’t take care of his own family is worse than an unbeliever.” Be a true American. Learn the 20 responsibilities of every citizen.
Vote for liberty.
Russel Reahard
North Webster