Local Bicentennial Celebration Efforts
Chairwoman, Kosciusko County Celebrates Indiana’s Bicentennial
KOSCIUSKO COUNTY — The Kosciusko County Celebrates Indiana’s Bicentennial Committee wishes to thank all of those who nominated someone to be a Bicentennial Torch Bearer.
Seventy nominations were received which nominated 58 different people in our county. Twenty-two will be chosen and submitted to the state for final approval.
The state Bicentennial Committee will notify those who were selected and all of those who were nominated in May.
The Bicentennial Torch Relay will pass through Kosciusko County on Sept. 29 and a celebration is planned for Sept. 29-Oct. 1. Planning for the celebration events is on- going and your help is needed.
There will be a meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 16, in Warsaw’s City Hall for anyone interested in volunteering, helping plan activities, or just wanting to know more. Representatives from all communities are encouraged to attend as events will be county wide.
Planning and organizing of teams for a vintage baseball tournament is underway. Some of the other events being planned are a parade, car show, concert, beard contest, quilt show and a music program of area choirs and bands.
Check the Facebook page for more information on these and other events.