Elkhart County Prosecutor To Run For State Attorney General
INDIANAPOLIS — Curtis T. Hill Jr. has officially announced he is seeking the Republican nomination for Attorney General of the State of Indiana at the GOP State Convention in June, 2016.
Hill announced that support for his candidacy has been overwhelming. He has been endorsed by more than 40 Indiana county prosecutors and numerous police and law enforcement officials, many of whom were at his announcement today.
Since announcing the formation of the Curtis Hill for Indiana committee two weeks ago, Hill has received in excess of $100,000 in financial contributions.
In November, 2002, Hill received 78 precent of the vote and was elected Prosecuting Attorney for Elkhart County. For the past 13 years, Hill has served in that position protecting the citizens of his county and building a reputation as a community and state leader.
Hill is recognized statewide as setting the standard for successful prosecution of serious and violent offenders. He has testified before Congress on “Methamphetamine in the Heartland” and served as a presenter for a summit sponsored by the Office of National Drug Control Policy.
“Justice and liberty are the cornerstones of our American heritage. The role of the prosecutor within our American justice system is central and essential to the integrity of our society’s success,” Hill said in the presence of his fellow Indiana state prosecutors and law-enforcement officials at his announcement Monday, Dec. 7, at the JW Marriott Hotel, Indianapolis.
In his announcement, Hill stated his dedication to the proposition of justice for all including: addressing threats of terrorism, battling violent crime in local neighborhoods, protecting the rights of property ownership, protecting consumers from scams, fraud and online predatory attacks and properly balancing the interests of the state of Indiana with the interests of the federal government.
Hill received his bachelor of science degree in marketing from Indiana University and his Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from the Indiana University School of Law.
Hill maintains an active role in local, state and national organizations. He is a native of Elkhart County. Hill and his wife, Teresa, have five children: Halle, Mallory, Curtis III, Bella and Abraham.
Learn more about Curtis Hill and his campaign by clicking here.