Nocturnal 6 Offers Night Of Obstacles, Prizes And More
WINONA LAKE — People of all ages, fitness levels and race experience levels are encouraged to sign up for a unique, annual race taking place entirely in the dark in Winona Lake at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26.
The Nocturnal 6 Adventure Race, which is hosted by Metzger Outdoors as well as Grace College, is one of the biggest races hosted by Metzger Outdoors each year. According to Matt Metzger, a total of 500 people attended the event last year alone.
The race takes off at night, and according to Metzger, the course is fairly straightforward. Families and athletes of all skill levels are encouraged to attend the event decked out in fun costumes, headlamps, flashlights and weather appropriate gear. Prizes will be given for the largest team, coolest costumes and the person that gives off the most light through the use of items such as glow sticks, lights and reflectors. Those with the best finishing times will also be eligible for awards.
The course is expected to span 2-4 miles and travel throughout Winona Lake. The course route and obstacles for this year’s race are top secret however, Metzger was able to provide some details about past year’s obstacles. Obstacles in prior years included climbing over junk cars, hay bales and running through “Kentucky wind chimes.” Metzger noted though obstacles are designed to be user friendly, guests are able to skip around them if they are uncomfortable or unable to complete.
Some really fantastic surprises may be hidden along the trail as well for discerning racers to discover. Metzger also noted the event will feature exciting door prizes that include a “land surfboard” and a suspended tent.
The event runs in conjunction with the Grace College homecoming celebration. Proceeds raised from race registration will go to support the World Compassion Network and a Grace College organization. In addition, a local act of goodwill will happen immediately after the event. Further details are a secret however.
You may run by yourself or as a team. The team size is unlimited, so bring as many people as you can. To register for the event, visit the Metzger Outdoors’s website. Those who are affiliated with Grace College as a student, professor, alumni or employee are eligible for a discount. Please e-mail Collette at [email protected] for a significant discount code.
Race cost is $22.50 prior to the event and $25 on race day. Racers are asked to arrive an hour early, 7:30 p.m., for registration at the Gordon Recreation Center. To register, click here.